Wednesday 5 August 2009

Empirical case study research

I'm writing disseration right now and chosed the empirical qualitative research method.
A qualitataive research method is an in-depth investigation into one case study,group of people or organizations.

Its form is more flexible than the quantitative method,compare to the questionaire's close-question format.Its questions is open-ended. Interviewer is likely to probe the flexible variations according to the different response of the intervees.

Many possilbe and specific answers is to be given compared to merely"yes"or"no" answers.

Its methods can be interview,focus group and paticipant investigation.

I'll adopt interview in my disseration,that would focus on only one company on the variations of the management level questions.

Sampling interviewees is the 1st step in the interview.It's impossible for the interviewer to ask every members in one company and organization. Sampling means to select the typical persons who's most suitable to answer your questions and fulfill the research questions.

The questions could be designed in 3 styles,1st.purposive sampling. 2nd.quota sampling 3rd.snowball sampling.

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