Thursday 6 August 2009

Scott&Bruce(1987): The small business Life cycle

Scott and Bruce (1987) divide the small business life into 5 stages,that is:

Stage 1.Inception 2.Survival 3.Growth. 4.Extension 5.Maturity.

Between the transition point of each stage,there'r a severe growth crisis.

In Grener(1972) words,there'r also 5 stages in business lifecycle as well,

but he also explained the crisis in each stage which Bruce and Scott don't

mention in their theory.

1.Creativity 2. Direction 3.Delegation 4.Co-ordination 5.Collaboration.

The crisises are 1.Leadership 2.Autonomy 3.Control 4. Red-tape. 5.?

Bruce's Specific models developed in relation to small businesses in response to problems associated with generic life cycle models such as Greiner’s main problems associated with Greiner’s model:
1)Assume that a company must grow and pass through all the stages of development or die in the attempt
2)Models fail to capture the important early stages of a company’s origin and growth.
If we look at Greiner’s model, whilst the concept of crises extremely relevant to small businesses, only the first two stages of his model have any relevance to most small businesses. In stage 3 of his model, company assumed to have different plants and headquarters, with numerous ‘top executives’. More typical of medium sized companies that growing into large organisations that small organisations.
In early stages, business is still simple.
Organisation simple. Owner-manager does everything and performs all tasks. Systems and formal planning non-existent. Owner is the business. Major goal is survival.
Growth (S&B) / Success (C&L): Basic marketing, financial and production systems in place.
Planning quite functional. Managers brought in to manage some activities. Business and owner begin to move apart.
In later stages,
Organisation becomes decentralised. Both operational and strategic planning increasingly conducted.
Systems becoming refined and extensive. Effective delegation becomes crucial. Owner and business become relatively separate. Owner occupies more specific leadership role, less hands on.

Grener's model describes growth as occurring through five distinguishable phases of development. Basic tenet of model is that growth is not a smooth or inevitable process - organisations have to face substantial turbulence and upheaval of management practices during the growth process.
Growth occurs through relatively stable and incremental phases or stages of growth, termed ‘evolutions’. Towards the end of each phase period of turbulence resulting in a crisis, termed ‘revolutions’.

The critical task for management is to find a new set of organisational practices that will become the basis for managing the next period of evolutionary growth.

Each major solution to a particular crisis eventually becomes the root of the turbulence and subsequent crisis in the next stage. For example, at the end of phase 1, organisation faces a crisis of leadership, where entrepreneur is forced to bring in strong managers to pull organisation together and provide direction. However, this strong direction by manager causes a crisis of autonomy, where lower-level employees demand greater freedom and autonomy.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Ansoff Matrix-Strategic Management

As discussing about the market development,Ansoff's matrix is always popped up in my mind,but i'm not quite clear about it.So let's refer to the explanition as below.

This Matrix is kind of strategy which provides your 4 approaches to meet the company

development purpose. That is you can develop your company and grow your enterprise by choosing any of the 4 combination between the products and markets.

The growth strategies are 1.Market penetration. 2.Market development 3.Product development 4.Diversification.

1.Market penetration means the firm seeks to achieve growth by promoting the existing products into the existing market segmentation and shares.Increase the customer quantities in the promoted areas,cities or countries.

2.Market development means the company targets its existing products into the new market.For example,the same brand Nokia phone.N71 is an existing product in UK,but there's no Nokia brand mobile is selling in China. Therefore, China is a new market for the existing product,NokiE71.Develp Chinese market is the key apporach to grow,that is"Market Development."

3.Product development denotes the firm develop a new product in the existing market.For example,Nokia brand recognition is existing in UK,but Nokia is still researching and develping new mobiles for the UK customers to achieve Nokia's growth.

4.Diversification denotes a totally new business is adopted by one company,new group of customers and new products. This new is to the company,for example, Virgin was a company majored in CD markets,but he wanna make the company grow,the Richard Branson sold Vigin Meida and invested in the new products and new market he never touched before, for example,"Virgin Mobile" "Virgin Air"and even "Virgin Orange Juice".It's diversification strategy.Richard is marvellously smart and creative in his business strategy.

Listing on the riskness degree,

1.Marketing penetration is the least risky approach to grow a compnay,however,the market will be satuarated someday,you have to further grow by adopting another approach.

2.Market development is the medium risky method to develop.This method suits for the company whose core competence is the product or technology itself,but not the experience(personal service,ie.massage) or the specific market. That's suitable for the product transfer to another market.

3.Product development,it's the 3rd developing method, promote the new product for the existing customers. As european market is existing market for Nokia.And it demands new investments on R&D,

4. Diversification is most risky which gives up the core competence in both product and market.however it does lower the overall business porfolio risk and achieve high rate of return.a foothold in an attractive industry.Therefore,the risk is worthwhile to firm's growth as well.


Empirical case study research

I'm writing disseration right now and chosed the empirical qualitative research method.
A qualitataive research method is an in-depth investigation into one case study,group of people or organizations.

Its form is more flexible than the quantitative method,compare to the questionaire's close-question format.Its questions is open-ended. Interviewer is likely to probe the flexible variations according to the different response of the intervees.

Many possilbe and specific answers is to be given compared to merely"yes"or"no" answers.

Its methods can be interview,focus group and paticipant investigation.

I'll adopt interview in my disseration,that would focus on only one company on the variations of the management level questions.

Sampling interviewees is the 1st step in the interview.It's impossible for the interviewer to ask every members in one company and organization. Sampling means to select the typical persons who's most suitable to answer your questions and fulfill the research questions.

The questions could be designed in 3 styles,1st.purposive sampling. 2nd.quota sampling 3rd.snowball sampling.